Sunday, July 13, 2008

The failure of existence?

Having a talent is not enough: one also requires your permission for it-right my friends?
-Friedrich Nietzsche

So, you know how you wish that you wrote something that someone else wrote? For example, if I could be an awesome sci-fi or fantasy author, there would be TONS of things that I wish that I had thought of. Sometimes I imagine these little short stories of dystopias in my head, creating characters that will never get out on paper or on megabyte. I created a really stupid comic book character once, but nothing ever happens. Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I have no self-confidence, or maybe I'm just a failure with no good ideas that would actually fly. This isn't a blog for my own self-pity, because I know that anyone who reads this probably has something that they feel very similarly about. So, it's not much of a post, but here's to you! All of you who sometimes feel like you're not living up to the potential you want, or to those of you who let opportunities pass, or aren't doing the thing you most want to do in your life. Cheers.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

homework shmomework

Gah gah gah!

No more Cataloging ever!!

I just spent a large number of hours dedicating myself to my ridiculously long Cataloging homework assignment. However, I now feel like a genius. Sort of.

OCLC's bibliographic standards. Soo many rules!
And here's some stuff about MARC, my new best friend.

In happier news, Hellboy 2 comes out this Friday, and my husband and I have a date to go see it, AND then The Dark Knight comes out in a few weeks too, SOO movies are going to be taking an exciting turn for the better.

Also, if you get a chance to come to Eastern State Penitentiary this Saturday for Bastille Day, you're in for a treat! We storm the Bastille, kill Marie Antoinette, and free all the prisoners! Let them eat (tasty)cake!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Continuing the...


So I've decided that I should blog. At least every day. It doesn't matter what it is about. but I need to.

The reason being is because I really need to have some kind of structure in my life. So here it is. Good ole structure.

I have been recently perusing the Library Juice Blog.

Blah. More later.

Monday, November 19, 2007


These are my musings. Someday I will be technologically savvy and hilarious with wit, but not today.

I disagree with them on many things. I even disagree with their methodology on this argument, but I find we agree on this point. Now, what are they going to do about it?

Oh Canada! One of the many reasons why I'm moving there...

I don't know why they don't, Ms. Mills.

Silly HS, Human Slaughter is an oxymoron!!!

"It's a cultural thing" is NOT an excuse.

Save the witches, and the cats!